I am guided in the course of my work by the following main principles: high level of professional expertise, client care and maximum protection of the client’s interests, individual approach and trust.
I seek to apply the following more particular rules of working with clients:
Client awareness: prior to retaining legal services clients often need to learn more about both their legal issue of interest and their relationship with the respective lawyer. Such understanding has been fully taken into account when developing this website. In sections Procedures and News I will publish useful and current information on matters in the area of corporate law, providing also an opportunity for online discussion of questions in the form of comments to the respective articles. Detailed information about the offered services has been also published on the website and clients have a variety of options for contacting me in order to receive more information on the specific terms regarding the provision of the respective service.
Contract: relationships with clients with regard to the assignment and performance of a legal service are governed by a written contract containing all essential conditions, including the amount of the due fee and the time period for completion. Contracts relating to electronic services are concluded online and executed in accordance with the agreements reached in the process of requesting the service.
Fees: fees due by clients are usually payable upon completion of the assigned work, but in the absence of established relations or in the presence of other particular circumstances the due fee shall be prepaid in part or in full in accordance with the reached agreements. Information on the fees for some of the more frequently provided services has been published on page Fees.
Costs: all necessary funds for state fees and other costs are to be provided in advance or paid directly by the clients.
Deadlines: I seek to assist my clients in due time and within the deadlines as per their needs. However, I reserve the right to refuse to accept the assignment of work in cases where the expediency may be at the expense of the quality of the legal services. Time periods for completion in each individual case will be determined explicitly in the contract between the parties.
Keeping clients up-to-date: my goal is to be available for my clients at all times, as well as to respond promptly to their inquiries regarding our joint work and the status of their legal matters. A special functionality allowing 24/7 real-time online checking of the status and progress of the requested electronic services has also been made available on the website.