Holding a license or a registration certificate might be a condition to the commencement and lawful carrying out of your planned business operation. That is why in certain situations the registration of a company in the Commercial Register may not be enough by itself for the commencement and conduction of the business activity as initially planned – companies should also consider the possible need of going through an additional licensing or registration procedure. You can prepare and submit the documents needed for the purposes of the respective procedure either personally or through engaging the services of a lawyer. If you need help, I am at your service – please, read on to find out detailed information about the offered legal service.

Quick Facts about the Service

You may find below answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the service for providing legal assistance in procedures for obtaining a license, a permit or a registration certificate:

My fee for registration for carrying out activity as a tour operator and/or a travel agent is in the amount of 400 Levs and the one for registration for carrying out employment mediation activity – 300 Levs. Information about the fee for other similar services and procedures may be found on page Fees.
The state fees and other costs due vary widely depending on the specifics of the particular procedure and that is the reason why it is practically impossible to list them here in a brief and easy to understand way – for specific and detailed information on that matter, please refer to the article regarding the procedure of interest (see the links under Related Procedures in the right section of the page).
I am usually able to prepare the necessary documentation within a few business days, but the total time for completion of the service may vary widely depending on the specifics of the particular procedure and the time periods provided for in the respective laws – for example, a registration of a tour operator with the Ministry of Tourism takes around 2 months from filing. For more specific and detailed information, please refer to the article regarding the respective procedure of interest (see the links under Related Procedures in the right section of the page).
Such an option (for requesting the service at a distance via phone or email) is available only for some of the procedures, namely with regard to those for registration for carrying out activity as a tour operator and/or a travel agent and for carrying out employment mediation activity. For requesting the service with regard to other procedures you need to contact me via any of the ways listed on the website so that we schedule an appointment for discussing the terms and details of the work to be assigned.
All necessary information depending on the specifics of the particular situation along with identification documents for the respective persons are to be provided upon requesting the service or later via phone or email. Details as to what documents are required by the law and will have to be enclosed to the application in the respective procedure are also to be discussed upon requesting the service – such documents will be provided in the process of preparation of the documentation for submission to the respective institution.
The service covers full legal assistance in obtaining the registration certificate (license or other similar) that is necessary for the respective business activity of your company – more particularly: а preliminary consultation on the respective regulatory regime, drafting and filing the necessary application together with the enclosures thereto with the competent institution, representation before the respective institution, receiving the issued document. I also offer additional assistance with secondary recordation of changes regarding the company, including such that occur as a result of Filings with the Commercial Register having been carried out.

If you need additional information, please read on to find out more – both general information and links to detailed content on numerous aspects of the different procedures for obtaining a license, a permit or a registration certificate.

General Information

Licensing, issuing permits and requiring registration for carrying out certain business activities constitute different forms of administrative control exercised by the state and local public authorities. Licenses are usually required where the respective activities are subject to stronger control mechanisms, whereas the registration is deemed to be a lighter form of administrative control. Permits are issued for carrying out particular transactions or actions.

The general regulation is set forth in the Restricting Administrative Regulation and Administrative Control over Economic Activity Act providing for the legal prerequisites to be available in order for a regulatory regime to be introduced. The regulatory framework for the different instances of licensing and registration procedures is set forth in numerous special laws and ordinances governing the specific social relations in a given sector.

Licensing and Registration Procedures

There are many specifics in the procedures relating to the different types of licenses, permits and registration certificates and that is the reason why such procedures have been explained in detail and developed in separate articles – part of the Info Center section of the website. Each article contains detailed information on the stages of implementation of the respective procedure along with complete lists of all necessary documents and applicable costs.

You may find in the right section of the page under Related Procedures a list of all articles published so far in the category of the service described herein, namely: the procedures for registration of medical treatment facilities for outpatient care, for registration in the Central Professional Register of Builders, for registration for carrying out activity as a tour operator and/or a travel agent and for registration for carrying out employment mediation activity.

My particular experience is related to the successful implementation of the registration procedures listed in the previous paragraph – these are some of the registrations that I have had so far the occasion to work on. As a lawyer practicing corporate and company law I have the necessary experience and expertise to offer professional assistance in obtaining other types of registration certificates and licenses as well.

Questions and Answers

Although the articles contain detailed information, there are still many specific elements of the licensing and registration procedures that might remain out of their scope. That is the reason why the website has been designed to allow online discussion of the published articles and posting questions to them – thus aiming to help clarify the respective topics through exchange of information and opinions on related matters of interest to the users.

You may find in the right section of the page under Related Questions a list of the latest questions published in the “Licenses and Registrations” category. If you would like to see all questions, please visit the Questions and Answers page and use the available web form to filter the results by the respective category.

Still not finding the information you need?

If you are not finding the information you are looking for and have additional questions regarding the above described service, please don’t hesitate to contact me via any of the ways listed on the website, including via Viber or Skype. I am at your service and will gladly answer all of your questions so that you can make an informed decision as to whether or not to use the service for providing legal assistance in procedures for obtaining a license, a permit or a registration certificate.

If you would like to reach me, please use the contact information below or visit the Contact page (there is also a web form on the page that you may use to send me a message).